Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"I'm not fat!"

How many times does that thought roam around in your head? Someone comments about weight, or size, or even just scales, and the first thing that you can think of is, "I'm not fat!" I know that personally, it makes me really, really, angry.

Why is this planet so corrupted that someone makes an innocent comment, and you are set on defense, ready to fling yourself at anyone who dares judge that you are fat?

I recently found this cool mypyramid tool. It tells you, compared to your weight, excersise amount, height, and age, whether or not you are in the normal weight range. At first, I thought that it was pretty awesome, until I got my score. I was in the 93rd percentile! Basically, that means that I am "overweight" and that I need to "watch my eating habits so that I can gradually decrease to a healthy weight." Thank you very much, but i'm happy the way I am! I am 5'5" girl, 165 pounds, and I excersise at least one hour per day. That seems good enough for me!

I'm a size eight, and I think that a size two isn't all that healthy for someone my size. Seriously, I have muscle! Did the mypyramid site think of that? MUSCLE! Muscle weight as much, or more than fat. So, if I have muscle that is making up, lets say, 20 pounds of my weight, than that means that I am a healthy weight! I do have some flab on my belly and thighs, but thats just normal. Seriously. Its normal.

I just hate it when people decide to casually comment about my weight in discussions, "I think that 120 pounds is a bit over average for a girl of your size, but it should be okay, just try to drop it...Oh? Your 165 pounds? Ohh. Well than. Hmm. You should work on that!"

Ew. Just ew.

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